”New Generation Leadership“ program is designed by using an up-to-date leadership understanding. Whatever humanity experienced under prejudice and teachings so far, turned the inner  formation and genes of leaders and managers into anxiety, doubts, stress, illness, conditionings, destruction and self-destruction.

”New Generation Leadership“ program is designed by using an up-to-date leadership understanding. Whatever humanity experienced under prejudice and teachings so far, turned the inner  formation and genes of leaders and managers into anxiety, doubts, stress, illness, conditionings, destruction and self-destruction.

With New Generation Leadership, we will eliminate all negative feelings which are not ours and have been diffused into our genes so far.

So we will return into our pure and clean form, which already resides in our selves. This formation aims to create individuals who use ethical pillars, care for unity and integrity, create continuously, who do not form inner and external obstacles for themselves, but be leaders of themselves.


This programme, which also contains Live Academy’s main mission and philosophy, is designed with the belief that the leadership will be succeeded by both inner awareness and exterior execution methods.The key quality of this programme is its emphasis on individuals’ self transformation process for increasing his capability of removing the obstacles for inner awareness in order to maintain his wholeness. In order to develop the participants’  inner awareness as well as enhancing their accomplishments in the outside world, the programs helps improving their management, marketing, sales and finance skills and helps providing them a different perspective.